No more candle lights!


Deccan Chronicle

Candlelight dinners are no longer in style. As people become more selective about their dating partners, activity-based dates are getting more common. Activities could include café hopping, concerts and festivals, stand-up shows, movie evenings, cooking lessons, and fitness activities such as running and trekking.Fating that allows the two to do both!Fating or fitness dating is now everyone’s interest, and it has spread to other areas of our lives, says 25-year-old entrepreneur Tavishi Jain, director, Care O Safe. “The newest fitness date trend is for young people to use gyms, fitness centres, and yoga studios as dating locations. Running, cycling, and trekking are all becoming increasingly popular date destinations,” says Tavishi.“Engaging in activities that interest both individuals will always spark a more real connection and reveal more of the person’s personality than superficial discussions and awkward silences that occur during an initial supper,” says Tavishi adding, “Treks, carnivals, game arcades, or walking city tours provide far more mental stimulation, fun, and creativity, making all the difference in the time spent together.”“Not everyone finds the idea of a candle light dinner romantic. While this might be the most common notion of romance, it’s not the only one,” adds Tavishi, a fitness freak.The friendship-first approachAsking someone to dinner, which was once used as a shorthand for the start of a relationship, is just not how it’s done nowadays, says Kshiraja Surendranath, Oddissi dancer.“I don’t think the art of a simple dinner is lost just yet; for the initial ‘get to know you’, it works brilliantly! However, as tik tok and Instagram continue to share pieces of dating psychology, the general public seeking love has discovered a means to ‘bio hack’ their dating experiences,” says Kshiraja adding, “It is stated that the more fun you have on your date, the more you will associate the companion with that fun. You take a girl to a concert/amusement park, and the fun she has there will reinforce in her mind that you are also that much fun. These minor tricks have made it easier to find new ways to date; bowling, a sport, a concert, and stand-up comedy are all enjoyable and unique ways to enjoy yourself while also learning a lot more about the other person in real time than attempting to figure out who they are based on what they say at dinner. It’s entertaining to see how competitive you can be or how you manage a win or loss in bowling. It speeds up the process of getting to know someone in a fun way, and for our generation, it allows us to sift out possible partners much faster while still having a good time.”Worst nightmareThere’s a logical reason why people don’t want to sit through an hour-long meal with a stranger, says 26-year-old entrepreneur Diya Pilani, hospitality director. “Nothing can be worse than a dinner date. I believe that some of the best dates are those that are least planned. Dating is complicated enough without adding stress to the planning of meetings,” says Diya adding, “Choose a fun, easy activity that incorporates competition, either between the two of you or as part of a team. Wine and chess might make for a great date! Dates that incorporate any kind of competition — Chess, snooker, shooting, go-karts — are the quickest way to get to know each other!”Candlelit dinners are still romantic Changes in dating habits may appear inconsequential, but they are anything but, says Angadveer, a storyteller and creative writer. “I wouldn’t say candlelight dinners are out of style, but they are taken more seriously. So, other types of dates, such as concerts and activity-based dates, are a great way to get to know someone in the early stages of dating without the strain of a one-on-one dinner. Also, if you don’t get along, at least you’re having fun instead of staring at each other across a table,” says Angadveer.“Dinner dates are something you do not want to invest in. At least until you’re certain you’ll have a good time,” he adds.

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