Uttarakhand test lab for Hindutva Iran, says Congress MP Karti Chidambaram


Uttarakhand test lab for Hindutva Iran, says Congress MP Karti Chidambaram

“For example, they are saying live-in relationships be registered. So if two people decide to live in, they must go and register. Suppose they have a fight after six months and they break up. They will again have to go and say we have had a fight that we have broken up,” the MP from Tamil Nadu’s Sivaganga said.This is absurd and this is exactly how theocratic states like Iran behave, he said.”They would say on a dry day, if you have a drink in your house, a policeman can come and prosecute. Then they will go one step further and say today there is no non-vegetarian to be had. So if you eat chicken curry in your house, then again, there is a violation,” Chidambaram said.So, they are entering the realm of personal behaviour in private spaces and that is “very dangerous.””This is how a theocratic country like Iran behaves. So if we also behave like that, this would become like Hindutva Iran. That is what I have said and also that Uttarakhand is a test lab for that,” he said. 

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