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Deccan Chronicle

Top fitness coaches tell us how to follow a consistant plan for a healthy lifestyle. These tips encompass diverse aspects of well-being, guiding you towards a balanced and active daily routine.Choose your favourite sportOpt for a fun and feasible physical activity like Zumba, dance, cricket, football, tennis, or jogging. Make it an opportunity to bond with loved ones, and ensure it’s easily accessible in terms of distance and frequency. Choose something that seamlessly fits into your routine without extra effort. This preference significantly impacts your health and wellness, increasing the likelihood of consistent engagement. Health organisations like WHO and CDC recommend a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week for adults, promoting overall well-being.— Apuorva Sinha, Zumba instructor, personal trainer, and nutritionistWarm up and cool downThe warm-up primes muscles and joints for action, enhancing blood flow, metabolic reactions, and coordination. Post-workout, a well-structured cool-down is essential. Acting as a reset for the body, it flushes out metabolic byproducts, preventing stiffness and promoting muscle recovery. Incorporate static stretches for improved flexibility in the long run.— Rishabh Malhotra, founder, Tagda RahoStay active Break free from a sedentary job by setting hourly reminders. When the timer rings, stand up, stretch arms, legs, and back to relieve stiffness. Incorporate simple exercises like neck rotations, shoulder rolls, and seated leg lifts. Gently rotate your neck clockwise and counter-clockwise to release tension. Roll shoulders backward and forward to reduce stiffness. While seated, lift each leg for a few seconds to engage leg muscles. Opt for a short walk during breaks, either around your workplace or outside. Walking enhances circulation, reduces stress, and sustains energy levels for better overall well-being.— Yash Agarwal, team Yash Fitness‘No pain-no gain’Pay attention to how your body feels The “no-pain, no gain” approach has discouraged many from continuing their fitness journey. Optimal training involves reaching around 70% of your maximum intensity, promoting post-workout well-being and preventing long-term injuries. Keep workouts short and effective, lasting 40 to 45 minutes with three to four functional exercises. Include a dynamic warm-up of 10 to 15 minutes to prepare the body. Follow a 3:1 routine—training three days a week and allowing one day for indulgence. Consulting a health professional for a fitness test helps gauge current fitness levels and plan an effective, sustainable fitness journey.— Jackson Arokioraj, Fitness coachConsciously focus on recoveryIn physical fitness, recovery is often overlooked but pivotal for optimal results. Post-workout recovery isn’t passive; it demands conscious attention. Prioritise joint mobility alongside regular exercise to enhance flexibility and prevent injuries for sustained fitness. Quality sleep is crucial for proper recovery, serving as the body’s natural elixir. During restorative phases, growth hormones are produced, protein synthesis quickens, and the immune system strengthens. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep nightly to enhance overall healing and prime the body for peak performance in subsequent workouts.— Rishabh Telang, Fitness expert at Cult.fit.

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